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托福阅读的十大题型中,修辞目的题(rhetorical purpose questions)是新托福阅读中难度较大的题型之一。这种题型对于国内考生来说较为陌生,在考场上时间紧张的情况下考生往往不知该在文中什么地方找答案。那么,对于这样一种类型的题目我们究竟该从何入手呢?在以下的一些例题中,我们就为大家进行详细的分析。


3. 若该词是明显的元素,向前找集合。


Paragraph 4 Many millions of years after ferns evolved (but long before the Hawaiian Island were born from the sea), another kind of flora evolved on Earth: the seed-bearing plants. This was a wonderful biological invention. The seed has an outer coating that surrounds the genetic material of the new plant, and inside this covering is a concentrated supply of nutrients. Thus, the speed's chances of survival are greatly enhanced over those of the naked spore. One type of seed-bearing plant, the angiosperm, includes all forms of blooming vegetation. In the angiosperm the seeds are wrapped in an additional layer of covering. Some of these coats are hard-like the shell of a nut-for extra protection. Some are soft and tempting, like a peach or a cherry. In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds. These new characteristics offered better ways for the seeds to move to new habitats. They could travel through the air, float in water, and lie dormant for many months.

Q:Why does the author mention a nut, a peach, and a cherry?

A:To indicate that some seeds are less likely to survive than others

To point out that many angiosperms can be eaten

To provide examples of blooming plants

To illustrate the variety of coverings among angiosperm seeds

