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通常来说细节指的就是听力材料中提及的具体信息,包括事实,描述,定义,原因和例证等。 细节题考察的是考生对具体信息的记忆和把握能力。细节题的答案只能根据谈话人在对话和演说中的实际表述来寻找,考生不应该加入自己的主观推断!


答案是在2个长对话和4个演说中可以出现8至12题!因此可见其所占比重非常之大。 那么我们可以掌握技巧,轻松突破其难关。在做细节题的时候我们要着重关注谈话或演讲中的专有名词,数字和时间。记住说话人对概念,特有现象的定义。 还要把握意思转折或话题转换的部分。细节题的提问方式也是有规律可循的,例如:What happened to___? ,What reason is given for ___? According to the professor, ___? How does the speaker describe___? 等等。有些细节题要考生选一幅图画或图画的某一部分, 如:Select the picture/diagram that shows___?;Identify the part of the drawing that represents___?;Which area of the picture illustrates ___? 还有些细节题会问某个具体的名词或定义,如:According to the woman, what is ___?,How does the researcher define ___?等等。实际上把握住这些出题规律和出题思路,做题可以做到事半功倍的。下面来分析一道试题,通过对其分析来寻找规律:

NARRATOR: Listen to a discussion between two students.

M: That’s a pretty cool economy lecture. Don’t you think?

W: Well, honestly. I didn’t really understand what the professor meant by “durable goods orders”, and it seems like that’s an important indicator of the…Have you taken notes on that?

M: It’s a key indicator of a country’s future manufacturing activity. Durable goods include those manufactured items with a normal life expectancy of three years or longer. An increase in the amount of durable goods orders may indicate an expansion in the economy.

W: Oh. Then “durable” means lasting, or stable in terms of quality.

M: Well, not exactly so. In economic terms, it means not depleted or consumed by use.

W: Good. Now it’s starting to make sense.

What does “durable ”mean according to the man?

A: Not depleted or consumed by use

B: Lasting or stable

C: Manufacturing

D: Three years or longer

这道题是很典型的细节题,是考察考生对谈话中专有名词的定义的把握。W在听完M一大?心意思。 W说道:Oh, Then“durable” means lasting, or stable in terms of quality. (因此可以获得durable指的是持久的,或质量稳定的。) M随后的 反驳:Well, not exactly so. M随后又解释:经济学上的精确定义应该是not depleted or consumed by use. 所以正确答案应该是A. 实际上我们可以很轻松的从字里行间获得信息点,只要我们抓住了规律。再抓住了规律之后,我们就是要多多积累了,很多时候我们都会有这样的一种感觉,一段对话听懂了,心理一高兴就选出了答案,还有的时候我们觉得这段对话很简单,就主管臆断的选出了答案,实际上这些都是做细节题的大忌。在做细节题的时候我们一定要耐心,细心,有恒心的把对话听完,然后客观的选出答案,千万不要加上自己的主观想法,这是非常不正确的!

托福听力考试 机考只能按顺序做题