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来源: 2013年02月23日 分类: Money

In order to attract good students, university should spend a lot of money in society activities.


Nowadays, the conviction that in order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding social activities is gaining strength. However, from my point of view, although society activities are quite important, they are under no circumstance the only aspect that should be used by universities to capture excellent students. At first, universities should lay more store by the academic staff and faculty members. Beyond all doubt, outstanding teachers can create good academic atmosphere. The teachers with professional knowledge are more likely to be admired by the students and stimulate their interest in learning. In the second place, hardware facilities are another factor that should be taken seriously because they highlight the determination of a school to improve itself and create a sound living and studying environment for students. For example, advanced multimedia classrooms can improve teaching efficiency; comfortable dwelling and dining places put students in a good mood to live; working out in a modern gymnasium help students build up their physique. Last but not least, vocational matters of students are too essential to be ignored by the university. It must be pointed out that the employment of students is related to the future of universities and high employment rate helps to establish the reputation for schools. Thus, by no means should universities decrease the significance of employment. Otherwise, it will lead the universities to a dead end. In conclusion, faculty strength, physical infrastructure and employment issue are all indispensable to the sustainable development of universities and all of them should take priority over the society activities.