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来源: 2013年03月22日 分类: Education

If you have a chance to study a form of art, which one would you like to learn? Sculpture, portrait painting or landscape painting. Please explain your choice with specific details.


Among the three choices of art courses, maybe sculpture class suits me better. There are some reasons. Firstly, there is a sense of achievement in shaping mud into particular figure, beautiful or meaningful. This is interesting, because mud is shapeless. But after being moulded based on the sensitivity of fingers, it forms into specific figures, taking delicate meanings. It is a form of non-vocal expression, which delivers more than what we utter every day. Moreover, it’s a cultivation of devotion and concentration. It takes weeks or even months to finish a piece of sculpture, which could not happen without devotion and concentration. And meanwhile, with the help of such qualities, one can devote to not only sculpture, but many other forms of work, and is more likely to succeed.