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来源: TPO 28 分类: Media

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To protect the health of young children, advertisement for candy and junk food should not be shown on television. Use specific reasons and details in your response.


I definitely agree with the statement for the following reasons. First, a lot of young children suffer from diseases caused by eating too much candy and junk food. Statistics have shown that more and more young children have been diagnosed with obesity each year because they have taken too much unhealthy food. Food like candy and junk food can also cause other problems which are all harmful to kids’ health and growth. Second, advertisements for candy and junk food on TV have a really negative influence on young children’s choice of food. Kids are easily affected by what they see on TV. For examples, my 8-year-old nephew kept asking his parents to buy this new brand candy because he saw it the other day on TV. The advertisement itself is filled with cute cartoon characters chewing the candy happily, which looked so attractive to my nephew. Therefore, I believe, if more advertisements for healthy food are shown on TV, the kids will be affected to have a more healthy food choice.