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来源: 2010年06月12日 分类: Person

Talk about a popular actor, musician, or artist whose work you do not admire. Explain why you do not like this person’s work. Use specific details and reasons in your response.


I’d like to talk about a Taiwanese pop singer. There are lots of rap parts in his songs, and this is one of the main reasons why I don’t like him—that I’m not a big fan of rap music. For most of the time I don’t understand what he is trying to say in his songs. They simply don’t make sense to me.   The other thing is that he likes to show off a lot. I mean, he boasts a lot and he is too talkative for me to appreciate his personality. There’s this one time that I watched a ceremony he hosted, he almost talked the whole time, which was even kind of embarrassing for his partner