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来源: 2009年09月26日 分类: Leisure time

When on a trip, some people like to keep a journal and take pictures; some people just enjoy the journey without recording. Which do you prefer and why?


I prefer to take pictures and keep a journal on the trip. There are some reasons for my choice. Firstly, it’s a better way to catch up with beautiful memories. Although I can focus on the view when traveling, pictures and journals tend to be more accurate and will be of great help when I am recollecting precious moments on the trip. Moreover, it’s a force to my concentration. When taking pictures and keeping a journal, I have to one-hundred-percent focus on the moments on the trip in order not to miss out any important detail I’ve experienced that is firmly connected with trip and therefore, I have to be involved during the whole sight-viewing and have no time for cellphone games or random chats with peers.