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来源: 2014年12月12日 分类: Task 6

Small business that run their business at home have two major drawbacks. 
A. unprofessional image; for example, a customer, when calling the business owner of a home-based catering service, hears a baby crying in the background and thinks the boundary between business and the owner's personal life is unpleasantly ambiguous. 
B. negative impact on the neighbourhood. For example, workers go to the catering service to help out, park their cars in the neighbourhood, and make other neighbours unable to park their cars.


There are two major drawbacks for small business that runs its business at home. The first is the unprofessional image. For example, a customer, when calling the business owner of a home-based catering service, hears a baby crying in the background and will think the boundary between business and the owner\'s personal life is unpleasantly ambiguous. Secondly, it will have negative impact on the neighbourhood. For example, workers who go to the catering service to help out will park their cars in the neighbourhood. And it occupies the parking area and thus makes other neighbours unable to park their cars in the adjacence.  (103 words)