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来源: 2014年09月19日 分类: Task 3

一些很老的书就store outside of library
    1. 这有个better solution, 可以存在 study room里,因为很大,而且不是很慢
    2. 她总是在paper快due的时候才知道,自己需要什么书,outside library很不方便


The material is to make a proposal that the old books without frequent borrowing should be stored outside the library, to save more space for new books. The speaker does not agree with the proposal. There are two reasons. First of all, it’s inconvenient for students. Take herself for example. She cannot decide the reference books until it is close to the due day. And it takes time to find the references outside the library. Moreover, there is a better place for these old book, the study room. It is spacious, and not far from the library. Therefore, it will not take too much time to fetch the materials students require. (111 words)