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Reading: 学校policy 让所有大一新生明年统一搬到 baster dormitory,其他年级的搬到其他宿舍,原因是这样更有利于大一学生在一起,经历同样问题可以一起商量解决,更好度过大一。 Listening: 男是支持的态度:1.结合他自己经历,当年他大一小屁孩一个碰到问题没人问很郁闷,现在他想小娃子聚到一起商量肯定好得多。2.某女问他那你不得搬家到其他宿舍吗,他说不要紧我搬到个更新的宿舍地儿更大可以放下我的更多东西
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\"阅读:学校的history department 打算 每个月都来个monthly meeting 好让学生能沟通交流,让他们问问题,并能提高他们的community skill。 但是在listening中那个男的不同意,认为没必要 1. 因为学校已经有网站给学生交流问问题了 2. 其次就是真相提供交流技能,应该去更relax的地点向咖啡厅,跟教授聊聊天之类的。\"
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human commensals 有利于一些动物。 然后教授举例子, 一个是一种鸟叫black什么,他们都在campus里面的building里筑巢。 另一个将另一种鸟,学生从diner 出来把不吃的扔到garbage, 然后鸟就去那里吃那些easy food
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Reading: 有人建议学校建的新computer lab,因为旧的computer lab太挤,排队得等好久,另外学校的literature building里面有位置正好可以用来建新lab. Listening: woman的观点是同意这个方案,因为她自己就经常排很久的队才能进去写作业,另外literature的学生经常要用电脑写论文,学生在他们上课的教学楼里写论文比较方便。
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Reading: 学校决定把每个班级的人数从8人增加到15人。原因是有更多的学生apply这些课程,但是学校的faculty有限。 Listening: 男同学的意见:1、增加人数减少了communication with faculty,降低了小课堂的参与程度。2、既然有更多的学生,就可以获得更多的钱,就可以请更多的faculty解决了人力不足的问题。简言之就是more students, more money, more faculty。问题是:学校做出了怎样的决定,男同学的意见是什么?
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Reading: Announcement: The university is going to cancel its lecture series. Reason 1: Low students' attendance rates. Reason 2: Too expensive to pay for the professors' housing. Listening: The man disagrees. Reason 1: He personally has a good time there, the real problem is the advertising, the university only puts the information on its website and not too many students get to see it: what the university should do is to hang out posters which can be seen everywhere on campus. Reason 2: The university can use the empty dorms to accommodate the professors instead of arranging them in hotels.
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Reading: announcement里面将学校要求志愿者要竞争社区服务state university require 10 hours volunteer working in community and its benefits. Listening: 女同学觉得不好。原因:1.本来是自愿的,但是学校把它弄成mandatory,不好;2.说比如公园让clean the air,但是她没有车,有些社区说是近,但是还是要走很远,说有些同学没车不方便去很远的地方。
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Reading: 学生写了一封信提议学校Improve library,集中两个方面,一个是增加可以查书的电脑;另一个是add faculties Listening: 男生表示很支持。 第一很多学生在图书馆发邮件做research, 要排队才能用上电脑look up books. 第二 这些faculties都是学生可以增加工作机会。
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Reading: A student proposes to the school to let boarding students park their cars on campus. He suggests the school can build a new parking garage on the empty space near the gym. He thinks having a car on campus is useful to get to jobs and other activities in town. Listening: The girl does not agree with the proposal. Since the school already plan to build a new music building upon that empty space, the school has no space for boarding students to park their cars. In addition, students can use public transportation, such as bus, to go wherever they want.
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阅读材料是学校通知下学期将开设interview skill workshop,会请外面的职业人士来学校模拟interview,帮学生更好的准备以后找工作。 对话里两个人都很喜欢这个program 1,附近的其他学校都没有开设这个program,所以他们会变得competitive; 2,除了能教你skill,meeting and chatting with这些不同行业的人能够build up connections。
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Reading: University theater is planning to prohibit eating food in the stadium. Reason 1: eating is a distraction to other members in the show, and avoid eating increase the experience. Reason 2: students don't bring the waste out of the stadium- forget to dispose. Listening: The woman agrees with the notice. Reason 1: Noise. Someone eats popcorn and distracts her. Reason 2: Dirty. Someone leaves the popcorn box in the stadium.
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Proposal: the university gym should open up more free group classes like yoga and karate Listening: agree R1: she and her friend have been to group classes like this and there’re a lot more fun than doing sports alone R2: a lot of students can volunteer to teach, so the classes can be free, and they can ask teachers from city gym to volunteer as well
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Reading: 学校发通知(announcement),因为健身馆(gym)的人数减少,决定对gym作出两项调整。 调整1 增加一些新的设施(equipment),比如自行车(bicycle) 调整2 延长gym在晚上的开馆时间 Listening: 有一个男生对新的调整很欢迎 1. 他以前经常去,后来不去gym了,原因是因为很多人排队等锻炼的设施,等待的时间太长,不值得去(not worth going),现在增加设施就好多了。 2. 还有很多学生白天都忙着上课(having classes)和做家庭作业(homework),他们只有晚上完成作业才能去gym,现在延长晚上的时间很好。
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【学校通知】:学校计划将不再免费提供打印材料,并限定每个学生每个月只能打印100张。理由1、学生们浪费纸张太多。理由2、打印机经常卡纸。 【学生议论】:女生反对此计划。理由1、不是学生想浪费纸,而是有太多的材料要用,而且有时候不知道什么材料会用到,什么不会用到。理由2、打印机经常卡纸是因为打印机太旧了。如果换新的打印机,就不会老卡纸了。问题:转述女生对公开信里的计划的态度和她持该态度的两个理由。
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建议给premedical school的第一年学生,让他们在第一年去社区医院或者小诊所做volunteer work。原因有两个:1) 可以让他们更早的积攒经验和熟悉医疗的procedure 2)premedical学生第四年本来也要求做实习,这样他们第四年可以不那么紧张。 然后两个人针对这个讨论,Sam是这个学院的学生,他认为:写这篇文章的人一定是第一年的学生,因为他不了解premedical school的structure,因为这是preclinical离clinical还很远,他们主要学一些基础临床医学知识,为medical school学习做准备,那些社区医院的医疗procedure经验和他们的学习不相关,第四年他们要忙着申请medical school,所以不相关。
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Announcement: the enrolment in the summer school has declined Measure 1: shorten the summer school time from 6 weeks to 4, and this allows students to go on a vacation or go home after the class Measure 2: lower the accommodation fee Listening: agree R1: He went to a summer school last year but ended up having only one week left before the next semester began, and he felt like he didn't get any rest at all. R2: Reducing the accommodation fee will allow students who want to go to summer school but are concerned about money to get a chance for enrolment.
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S3 Reading: 有人提议说在study lounge做group study不好,因为相互打扰,建议把它改成for individual study,同时建议 group study在图书馆的会议室(conference room)进行。 Listening: 同意 R1: 她表示根本不愿意去那里,有一次为了赶paper在那里学习,吵得要死不能专心,要求同学安静,但周围人只安静一小会然后又继续吵吵 R2: 同时她赞同conference room for group study。因为有门,不会吵到别人,同时桌子很大椅子很多;然而lobby的桌椅很小,需要拉到一起拼起来
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一个学生在信中建议由教授改全部作业,原因1.教授可以给学生more detailed and helpful comments than TA. 2. Professor gets a good sense in this way and can make adjustments Listening: disagree. R1: Professor has too much work so cannot give specific comments to each student. R2: Professor meet TA every week, and they can get feedback efficiently.
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Reading: 有人建议把宿舍的lounge的一间改成study room,这样大家可以去学习。并且在study room里配上电脑。 Proposal: His lounge in the dorm should be changed into study room. Reason 1: People can go there to study. Reason 2: The study room should be equipped with computers. Listening: 男生认为这个proposal很好,是what students need。因为:1)每次大家在lounge里看电视什么的都很吵,而且宿舍也吵,比如室友一天到晚打电话听音乐。而且他们没有地方学习。2)如果有电脑就方便多了。不是每个人都有电脑的,有时候大家必须去图书馆用电脑。可是有时太晚了图书馆都关门了。
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