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Talk about an activity you would like to participate in the near future.
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When doing a team program, do you prefer to be a leading or supporting member in a group? Please explain your preference with specific examples and details.
分类:Random重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Which one of the following qualities do you think is the most important for a university student: highly-motivated, hard-working or intelligent?
分类:Person重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Artists and musicians are important to the society.
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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, it is better to live close to parents than far away from them.
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With the development of technology, some people believe students will study on the Internet in the future, while others believe that students should still study in buildings. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
分类:Study重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young children should learn to draw or paint?
分类:Event重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Which of the following do you think is the most effective way of studying?
分类:Education重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Some people think wearing fashionable clothes is important, while others not. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
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Your friend plans to go to your country to study, but has concerned about expenditure. What is your advice for your friend?
分类:Advice重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it's more effective to work with a group when everyone has their responsibilities and duties?
分类:Random重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

If you can have a part-time job at the university, what position would you choose? A lab assistant, a campus tour guide, or a library assistant? Please give specific reasons.
分类:Job重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Some people speak out in class, others prefer to listen and quietly observe. Which do you think leads to greater success in school? Explain why you think so.
分类:Education重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you like to give to this friend of yours?
分类:Advice重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

When you take a trip, do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take pictures and keep a journal on the trip?
分类:Leisure time重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Which of the following subjects would you choose to learn: math, painting or science? And what can you learn from your chosen subject?
分类:Education重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

You can contact your family and friends by letter, email or telephone. Which method of communication is better than the others and why?
分类:Modern Tech重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Which of the following activities is more likely to make you happy? Gathering with friends, studying alone or travelling. Please include details in your explanation.
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Some students prefer a grade that is based on many short assignments, while others prefer a grade based on one or two long assignments. Which one do you prefer and why? 版本2:Some schools offer classes early in the morning while others provide classes late at night? Which one do you prefer and why?
分类:Education重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Teachers should make their lessons fun.
分类:Education重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析