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S3 Reading: 有人提议说在study lounge做group study不好,因为相互打扰,建议把它改成for individual study,同时建议 group study在图书馆的会议室(conference room)进行。 Listening: 同意 R1: 她表示根本不愿意去那里,有一次为了赶paper在那里学习,吵得要死不能专心,要求同学安静,但周围人只安静一小会然后又继续吵吵 R2: 同时她赞同conference room for group study。因为有门,不会吵到别人,同时桌子很大椅子很多;然而lobby的桌椅很小,需要拉到一起拼起来
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: Negative Externality,个人的行为可能会让不相干的人感到不爽 Listening: 教授小时候家附近有片漂亮农田,风景好,周围居民都很enjoy,但是农田主人想退休,于是把地卖给一家公司,公司建厂,厂房破坏美丽景致,工厂烟雾造成污染,周围居民尽管没有参与这个土地转让的协议,但他们利益受到损害,却无计可施
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Sally要做presentation却把handout落家了,家在校外很远, S1: 男生开车送她,虽然麻烦却也可吃午饭 S2:不发handout直接讲,但是她都准备了,而且有之会让听众更容易跟着她
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

两种方法防护beach erosion 1. 造建筑barrier,用混凝土等材料 build construct in shallow water or near shore, 这种construct 减轻 force of the wave, decrease amount of water that reach the beach,降低被浪卷走的沙的数量浪就小了 2. 二是用新的沙子代替冲走的,比如建个泵把海里沙子抽上来,这样以后就会更多冲走新的,旧的就留下来了
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

一个学生在信中建议由教授改全部作业,原因1.教授可以给学生more detailed and helpful comments than TA. 2. Professor gets a good sense in this way and can make adjustments Listening: disagree. R1: Professor has too much work so cannot give specific comments to each student. R2: Professor meet TA every week, and they can get feedback efficiently.
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: memory amentia means the sources of the memory are forgotten. Listening: 教授用自己的经验做例子,说他去看他姐姐,看到蝴蝶,就说他想起了小时候,和姐姐Hiking的时候,累死了的想放弃的时候看到了漂亮的蝴蝶,然后就想继续前行;然后他姐laughed at him,因为他搞混了,这个情景出现在他们儿时共同看得电视节目里面。
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

P:The woman lost her part-time job, so she didn't have enough money. S1: to work for her uncle's coffee house, but it is far away from campus, she doesn't have a car, and it takes 1 hour to take the bus. S2: to reduce the entertainment cost, but she cannot enjoy with her friends.
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: 有人建议把宿舍的lounge的一间改成study room,这样大家可以去学习。并且在study room里配上电脑。 Proposal: His lounge in the dorm should be changed into study room. Reason 1: People can go there to study. Reason 2: The study room should be equipped with computers. Listening: 男生认为这个proposal很好,是what students need。因为:1)每次大家在lounge里看电视什么的都很吵,而且宿舍也吵,比如室友一天到晚打电话听音乐。而且他们没有地方学习。2)如果有电脑就方便多了。不是每个人都有电脑的,有时候大家必须去图书馆用电脑。可是有时太晚了图书馆都关门了。
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: 一个概念:latent demand---现在不存在,但可以被商家identify出来,从而有针对性的生产商品来满足潜在客户的需求。一旦有产品了,会很成功,因为这时候没有竞争对手。 Listening: 在最开始的时候,人们在家里用large stereo来听音乐,后来出现了小点的stereo,人们就把便携式的stereo带到户外听音乐。有商家sense到了这个latent demand,想如果大家可以在public场合听音乐,但是不是这种out loud的,而是可以privately地听,别人听不到的那种,那不是很好吗?于是他们制造了很小的stereo,而且有耳机,所以别人听不到,只有自己听到。果然产品一出来就热卖,商家赚翻,因为还没有竞争对手。
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Problem: The man was supposed to go to the seaside with friends, but Mary asked him to go help her to move out according to a short notice because she has to move out by tomorrow. Solutions: Solution 1: Find someone to replace him. But it might not work at this last minute. Solution 2: Cancel his appointment with his friends. But he has been planning to go for long, and later the weather will turn cold, and they can't go to the beach any more.
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Lecture: 如果predator能够预知prey会做出什么样的行为,那就便于他们捕食了。可是有的动物可以有一些mechanism,让predator无法预知猎物下一步的行为。比如squid. 1)squid并不走直线,速度也不很确定。它会变速,走zigzag那种pattern,于是predator无法anticipate它的行为,就不好抓到它; 2)squid可以变色。比如pink-blue-white这种。比如predator一直在盯着一个pink的东西跑,结果bang,pink的东西不见了,来了个blue的,那么predator就会confuse,于是squid就有机会escape.
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析